A new month is coming, and new adventures approach in Houston!
Since april is almost here, you can find a lot of things to do this month in Houston, for you to enjoy. As always, it has got your back, and will be enabling a lot of different activities for people to engage in adventures and have fun with family and friends, so don't miss out on this opportunity!
The weather is especially nice these days since it's spring, which means, outdoor activities are everywhere. One of them is the Houston Art Car Parade, which will be happening from April 7th to April 10th. Creativity will be everywhere, presenting more than 250 Art Cars, designed and created by people who love the art.
From April 9th to April 10th, the 17th The annual Woodlands Waterway Arts Festival (WWAF) will be happening as well! For the lovers of art, it will be an amazing time, since everything will become a colorful outdoor art gallery. There will be live music, food, and different activities for every member of the family.
Our Uptown Team is always available to help you! Contact us if you are planning on buying or renting a house in Houston, we are the best people to go to, we will help you find the house or apartment of your dreams.